I- Why you need MODAN?
With nearly 1,400 million potential consumers, China is one of the largest market in the world. However, their consumption patterns, their history, their culture, their aspirations, their idiosyncrasies, their imagery and their lifestyle so different from the rest of us. Understanding the values and needs of Chinese consumers, their purchasing channels, consumer and dissemination of information, their understanding of advertising and marketing, it is essential to develop an appropriate strategy to adequately communicate the product to the target market. Chinese consumers are becoming more sophisticated and demanding, and only using the right tools you can access them.
Also, Internet censorship, the massive use of social networks and local media make it essential to adapt the strategy and the tools to achieve our goal.
In other hand, Chinese companies aspiring to enter the Latin American market must know not only the geopolitical and economic situation of each country, but have enough knowledge about consumption and society and the development and maturity of the different markets up the region.
II – The benefits of working with us:
- Our knowledge about China keeps us up to date on the different communication tools, technologies, social networks and ever-changing trends of the Chinese public and the products and services that require or become popular in all fields of industry both B2B and B2C and C2C. Our team consists of professionals from Spanish-speaking countries and Chinese staff, which guarantee to give your strategy promoting and selling the most efficient approach.
- With an optimal marketing strategy we can help our customers to promote and sell their products and services efficiently in China or Latin America, sectorizing and promoting them to the appropriate target audience and the appropriate market sector. We will advise you on the best marketing strategy with a case to case study, to ensure the best results with the least possible investment and innovative and honest with the customer.
- In the case of Chinese customers, we offer a deep knowledge about specific features of the Latino audience as potential customers, considering the characteristics of language and culture to guide the sale of products and services from China in the most appropriate manner. Latin American companies that sell or export to China will benefit from our extensive experience in the country, our mastery of visual and cultural characteristics essential when developing any campaign advertising and marketing with the right design China, and offer the companies with a marketing and visual communication that appeals to Asian audiences.
III – Services
- Creation of specific social networks for the Chinese market
- Promotion on social networks in Chinese, English and / or Spanish
- Exhibition fairs
- Creating web pages
- Branding
- Corporate Videos
- Design
- Events creation and managing
- Advertising campaigns and media plans
- Public relations
- Organization of familiarization trips: agents aimed at the industry or sector, the press and KOL.
IV – Market Segmentation
We offer our services specific to foreign companies wishing to improve their brand awareness and presence with the target audiences or improve their communication and marketing strategies in China. Also Chinese companies who want to enter the Latin America´s markets.